Wetlands are messy, smelly, infested with biting insects, and often inaccessible except by trekking in mud or entering by canoe/kayak. Once you are there, you feel you have entered something primordial. These are life giving landscapes, and no two are alike. Mudflats teem with microorganisms that support millions of birds migrating north and south. Dense foliage along coasts cushions the destructive force of violent storms, acting like a shock absorber to protect inland communities. Fresh water inland marshes are high in biodiversity and shelter rare plant species. They filter polluted water and serve as reservoirs that protects downstream communities from flooding when spring snow melts.
What is not appreciated about wetlands is their potential to offer nature-based solutions to climate change. They constitute an important storage reservoir for atmospheric carbon—on a par with forests. A recent study undertaken by The Nature Conservancy in the U.S. found that restoring coastal wetlands globally could absorb as much as 200 million tonnes of atmospheric CO2, the equivalent of removing 39.5 million cars from the road!
A brief tour of the Marshscape exhibit at The Cardinal Gallery, Toronto, courtesy of Birds Canada.